I Am Bismark

the worst honor code violators

i think one of the biggest and most blatant honor code violations that occurs among byu students is terrible and illegal driving patterns. it seems like drivers near byu campus (from any state) don’t feel the need to use the turn signal. i see this violation almost once a day while out riding on my scooter. two examples from today:

  1. i came up behind an SUV at the intersection of 820 N and 900 E. it didn’t have a turn signal on, and appeared to be going straight, so i drove up on its right side so i could turn right. when i got to the intersection and looked left, i saw that now the SUV was inching towards me. the girl gave me a look like i was a terrible person, and she turned on her turn signal. i just shook my head and backed up so she didn’t run me over while she made a right turn.

  2. i came to the intersection of 800 N and 700 E, and signaled to turn right. i looked left, and an SUV was approaching, so i waited. it started to slow down as it came to the intersection, but there was no turn signal. was i supposed to go in hopes that i had guessed correctly? or was i supposed to wait, possibly annoying the people behind me and wasting time? the girl driving the SUV gave me a blank stare as she turn and i shook my head at her.

living the laws of the land is part of the the honor code. thus these people are honor code violators. i don’t think side burns longer than one’s ears or watching a movie with a group of friends until 12:30 are matters of life and death, but illegal and bad driving is, thus making it that much more serious of a violation. i think i should start taking down license plate numbers.

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