what am i grateful for?
- sappy blogs written at 2 am.
- beds.
- electrons.
- school.
- learning.
- goals.
- scholarships.
- low paying jobs.
- free time.
- late nights at the library.
- the closing music at the library (except for that scary popcorn popping rendition).
- growing up in a small town.
- going to big cities for vacation.
- sushi.
- asia.
- girls.
- cuddling.
- past love.
- hope for future love.
- lessons from broken hearts.
- contact lenses.
- hands.
- pecan pie.
- wisconsin cheese.
- canada (???).
- midterm elections.
- hope for peace.
- industrial revolution.
- black hair.
- crushes.
- blue jeans.
- fiscal responsibility.
- italian food.
- movies.
- lift up armrests at theaters.
- friends.
- enemies.
- people to make fun of.
- people who make fun of me.
- parents.
- sisters.
- brother.
- photographs.
- dogs.
- running shorts.
- egg nog.
- sleeping in.