I Am Bismark

props to ebillme

i just want to give a big thanks to the folks at ebillme. it’s a pretty cool service; basically it’s a way to make direct check/debit transactions over the internet without needing to enter a debit card number. they use your bank’s online bill pay system.

but anyway, back in july i found a sweet deal on zipzoomfly.com for a eeepc netbook for mariam to use. it was $169 with a $30 rebate if i paid with using ebillme. $139 was pretty tough to pass up, so i went ahead and got it for her.

well, now four months later, i still haven’t gotten my rebate. but unlike most of the scammy rebate people who would have not cared if i got it or not, ebillme just called to follow up with me and got my new address in their system so they could send the rebate check to the right place. awesome, props to them for that great service.

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