I Am Bismark

grad school

well, grad school is tough. at least the convincing myself that i am spending my time wisely is tough. i’m not making any money, i’m thousands of miles away from the woman i am in love with, and i have to do homework.

sometimes its tough being very motivated. not to say that i am not learning some pretty cool stuff. my operating systems course is extremely interesting, and the weekly seminars from guest lecturers from google, cray, etc, have been pretty good too. i am not part of a research group yet, but my TA job is fine for now.

i dunno, i am just wondering if i am going to be any more marketable once i get out of here than i was six months ago after getting my bachelor’s. ok, i guess no matter what, a master’s degree from a top ten program can’t hurt… and what how much more marketable i am afterwards is entirely dependent on how much i put in to it (even more so than a bachelor’s degree). though i have wondered a few times if i could be making myself more marketable by taking some day job and just working on some independent projects by night. i could probably even do that in provo and be close to mariam… of course my parents and mariam have been encouraging me to stay.

i am sure that if i gave up now and just went into the workforce, i would completely regret my decision in a short time. i mean, it is free and all…

let’s be honest, i probably will stay. and i probably will have a crappy semester. and it will probably motivate me to get back on track next semester and then i will start loving it here. until then.. sigh.

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