I Am Bismark

fun afternoon, disappointing evening

i decided i wanted to start getting out and doing some more fun things (which i have been severely lacking this semester), so i invited a bunch of friends to go rock climbing at the climbing gym today. its been over a year since i’ve been climbing, so i knew i was in for quite a shock. i only went up four times, doing a 5.5, a 5.6, a 5.7, and then back down to a 5.5. my forearms ache pretty bad, and im sure they will even more in the morning. but it was a ton of fun nevertheless! here are pics!!

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me super excited to kick some serious rock booty!

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contemplating the task before me in the slightly awkward harness.

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my friend bj having a dandy time.

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andrew, krista, and mariam definitely not psyched up enough yet.

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me losing my concentration and acting like a little japanese girl.

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my picture captioning skills fail me.

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to the left is will. he is much better than all of us at climbing which makes everything very fun for him at all of our expenses.

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jessica is loving belaying so much its like a dream to her.

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his dreaming partner below.

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a very manly fashion.

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here is mariam enjoying a rest in a very non-manly fashion.

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this picture gives me diabetes.

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the happy couple enjoying time together while one of them holds a humans life in her hands.

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will mocking us all some more.

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one of the many natural rock formations we used as grips.

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mariam laughing her way to the top.

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kyle and jessica wondering how they got these strange ropes tied around themselves.

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me being so excited that krista made it to the top that i forgot to hold on.

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krista holding on for dear life.

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i actually do know how to belay….

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mariam’s grip of death. but it was ok since we had more time to climb with one less person.

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me climbing the wall in an even manlier fashion.

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a natural rock formation shaped like an upside down Buddha’s belly. i rubbed it for good luck.

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the survivors, quivering forearms and all.

after climbing we stopped by cafe rio, then mariam invited me over to her place to watch the holy war. i think the title of this post is all i need to say about that.

gosh my arms are sore.

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