I Am Bismark

simpler times

i remember when i was a younger, things were a lot simpler. not nearly as much to worry about.

  • i remember it took me almost a week to get up the courage to tell my mom that i thought it was time to start wearing deodorant. why in the world was i embarrassed by that? it doesn’t make sense, but i remember it being very difficult to do. thank goodness i did.

  • as a deacon at church, my biggest worry was weather i would be able to hold up the water tray while passing the sacrament. we would wait at the sacrament table until the presiding leader took the sacrament, and we would hold the trays out in front of us. the full tray of water cups was just too much for my skinny little twelve year old arms, so i would try to position myself to be the last person to get a tray meaning i had the least amount of holding time.

  • the pants i was given for 7th grade football were about four times too big. they gave me a belt that had the amazing ability to come loose every time i started running. i spent a whole season trying to keep my pants from falling down. maybe it was good i was waaay to embarrassed to ever put on my jock strap in the locker room.

  • when i was fourteen i first tried asking a girl to dance and… who am i kidding, i’m still deathly afraid of that.

ah, simpler times. i am sure i can look back twenty years from now and say the exact same things about what i am worried about now. kind of keeps things in perspective.

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