I Am Bismark

i am giving up the board

see: http://wallythethird.blogspot.com/2007/09/sinking-of-bismark.html

well, wally, i’ve gone without the board since school started, and i plan on continuing this trend. i have a few reasons… first, time. i just don’t have time for that anymore. i’ve greatly reduced the number of rss feeds i subscribe to, just so i have less of an excuse to not do work. second, people. i will be honest, some of the newer writers rubbed me the wrong way. not really in answers to my questions, but i felt in general there was a trend towards laziness and antagonism in some responses. now, i am still friends with some writers, so i hope they don’t take this personally, since if i am still friends with them, i doubt it was them i was feeling unimpressed with. third, fun. i just stopped really being interested. so, yes, bismark has retired from being a boardie. it was a good run. i think i had some pretty classic quotes, and a number of writers even listed me as one of their favorite readers. i’m glad that i could contribute somewhat to that community, and i wish all who are still involved good luck. here are my board posts:

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