I Am Bismark


straight A’s as predicted and once again on the dean’s list. and no one cares. yawn.

my new ward seems pretty lame. attractive women seem to be at an all time low. i am banking in on the fact that the english learning center doesn’t start until a week later, so all of the foreign (ie asian) girls have yet to move in.

i slacked off hardcore for these past two weeks. i feel flabby and lazy. classes are at 9 am tomorrow, so it should be good to get back into a groove. and weight lifting again will feel wonderful.

some people are so silly. freshman girls continue to amaze me at their inability to express themselves or even attempt at some sort of rational explanation for their actions. i think from now on i will just smile, nod, and back away slowly. i deleted some phone numbers from my phone over the weekend.

i made pancakes today for my friends. i think i did a pretty dang good job at feeding 6 people. and the pancakes were rather tasty in my humble opinion.

the weather is still too hot during the day. i wanna wear sweaters again!

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