I Am Bismark

Slavonian Burger

I took off a few weeks from Sunday cooking due to July 4th and the Disneyland trip, but I was able to start up again last week. I got really excited when I first saw this recipe for Slavonian burgers and I’m glad I made them: they were great. Mariam had me make them again later in the week with some of the leftover ingredients because she liked them so much.

The ingredients

Here is the set of ingredients, nothing too fancy, which is good for a mageirocophobic person like me.


If my hand are chopping, then who is holding the camera??? On a related note, apparently I can chop garlic.


Here is the ball-o-meat I created after mixing together the beef, the garlic, and the spices. The first time I made the burgers, I was too timid with the paprika and the cayenne pepper. The second time around things were quite a bit warmer.


Frying away.

Steaming hot buns

The buns were definitely the most difficult part of the recipe, and to be honest I am still not sure I got them right. They got pretty soggy after a bit of steaming and the dipping into the broth. They kind of stuck to the pan when I tried to fry them. They ended up being kind of hot and gooey, which perhaps is right? I may never know given the dearth of Slavonians in my life. And no, these are not ciabatta rolls; our local Safeway seemed to not sell anything of that sort.

The final product

Here is the final product, fresh green onion and all. That chip in the plate takes away a bit from the artistic value doesn’t it… The green onion dipped in salt was pretty tasty I might add.

A happy customer

And another happy customer, which is definitely my best motivation for doing this stuff.

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