I Am Bismark

Keeping Time

just a classic xkcd to cheer everyone up on a cold, windy saturday afternoon. i think i saved this one so i could send it to my little brother (an avid tuba player in marching bands, etc) to make fun of him.

i only marched in band a few times. i was first chair trombone for a few years, but i never really loved it… i remember our marching band would start the march onto the field by one half yelling out “my bologna has a first name, it’s o-s-c-a-r!”, and then the other half would yell “my bologna has a second name, it’s m-a-y-e-r!” we had a long debate one day as to whether it was “m-E-y-e-r” or “m-A-y-e-r”, and it finally ended with us calling up the oscar mayer company and asking them for the official spelling (this was before things like google and wikipedia mind you). good times.

i saved this link on 2008.03.26.

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