I Am Bismark

doing little things

i want to be a more charitable person. i’ve been blessed with so much, what little i give back is pretty shameful. in all my reading about frugality and living within my means, i came to the realization that when i am using my money correctly, that gives me a better opportunity to help other people out (which certainly includes my current and future family). anyway, i am sharing this not to toot my horn, but just in case anyone else is interested in helping too: i made my first donation to kiva.org. its a micro-lending site where you can give out loans to help people in third world countries start businesses and improve their lives. here is who i donated to: Baltazari Ngowi i didn’t really search for anyone too particular, i just grabbed one of the people off of the front page and made a small donation. i will get my portion of the loan back within a year, after which i can then lend the money to someone else. its a cool concept, and i really like how personal it is. i hope this is just the start for me of being a more charitable person.

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