I Am Bismark

my delicious.com links

i’ve decided delicious.com really isn’t all the worthwhile to me. i don’t use it for backup and keeping around old links really doesn’t seem all that important with the power of google and local bookmarks (of which of course i keep both local and remote backups). for a while i was using delicious.com as a way to share links with small comments on them with people. but i realized this really wasn’t all that great of an idea, since it wasn’t possible to comment on those posts! so, i’ve decided to clear out my delicious.com account and shut it down. i enjoy consolidating my online presence, and this is just one step of many that i have been taking (perhaps more on that later). but it seems a waste to just let the 100 or so links i’ve saved over time just disappear into internet history. so, i am going to start writing posts with a few of those shared links at a time. i will include both original comments (if there were any) and new comments that i have on links that i am now revisiting.

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