I Am Bismark

major plot hole in harry potter and the deathly hallows

i finished in on thursday evening. it was decent. but i have found a major plot hole. spoilers, etc, after the break:


thanks to my little bro, i have been proven wrong! sad times… no rioting… here is the offending paragraph:

“then the intruder [grindelwald] shot a stunning spell [at gregorovich] from his wand and jumped neatly backward out of the window with a crow of laughter”

but i will leave the original post for posterity’s sake.


the elder wand obviously plays a major role in the story, along with the whole method of becoming the master of it. so they talk about how people get the wand:

  • gregorovich: unknown.
  • grindelwald: steals from gregorovich.
  • dumbledore: defeats grindelwald, gets wand.
  • draco: disarms dumbledore, become rightful master
  • harry: disarms draco, becomes rightful master

does no one else see the issue here? first, from what it looks like, grindelwald steals the wand from gregorovich in a sneaky fashion. can we consider this a “defeat” of gregorovich?

if no:

grindelwald never became the master, which is why dumbledore was able to defeat him, and why he said he never “had” the wand. thus gregorovich was still the master, and gregorovich was killed by voldemort, thus making voldemort the master of the wand.

if yes:

“defeating” the wielder appears to be as simple as taking the wand away, not necessarily defeating someone in a duel. thus, wouldn’t the mere fact that voldemort grabbed the wand make him the rightful master?

either way, voldemort is the master of the elder wand, the ending makes no sense, and we ought to riot in the streets.

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